YODI - YouTube cast to KODI

by yn



YODI makes it easy for you to watch YouTube videos on KODI• Search YouTube and select the videos/playlists to play or enqueue• Advanced search allows you to find YouTube videos by type or topic• View and edit the current KODI playlist - remove, or rearrange items• Save videos to watch later• History: view videos played in the past and play count for each videoLimitations:In order not to exceed the YouTube API quota the free version has the following limitations to avoid making extra queries to YouTube:• Only a snippet of the description is shown• When playing a playlist/channel only the first 50 videos are playedThese restrictions are lifted if you buy the unlockerUnlocker Features:+ Full clip description is shown+ When playing a playlist/channel the first 250 videos are played+ Save current KODI playlist and load it later, anywhere+ Best of Youtube - video stream from bestofyoutube.com+ No ads